Contents of AppleShare IP 6.0 Folder.
Click a folder to see its contents. (Use the Links page to download and read the documentation, such as read me files and PDF files.) A brief description of each folder appears below.
- Install AppleShare 6.0: Contains the install and all components for ASIP 6.0
- AppleShare Client: Contains installer and components for client software (Chooser extension)
- Apple Electronic Library: Contains PDFs for Client Manual, Getting Started Guide, and Adobe Acrobat Reader installer.
- Tutorials: Contains html-based tutorials on TCP/IP Connections, MacDNS, AppleShare IP 6.0 and Implementation Guide. These tutorials are provided as-is; the information they contain was correct to the best of our knowledge at the time that the ASIP CD went to press, but new information or changes may have occurred since. No technical support is provided for the tutorials.
- Mail Server Backup: An event handler for use with Retrospect.
- AppleShare Memory Manager INIT: Recommended for ASIP servers only to resolve a problem that may occur which will cause freezing.
- Apple CD/DVD Drivers: Updated extension to allow net installs from a CD-ROM.
- Enhancements for AppleShare: An HTML file that points customers to the AppleShare IP Web site for more information on third party products that will work with ASIP.
- Unsupported Tools: Includes AppleShare Client Setup and NetFinder.